IQ Optimized Portfolios: Smart Investing Made Easy with iQUANT

iQUANT portfolios blend iQUANT models and/or investment indices for historically optimal risk-adjusted performance. Selections are emailed and posted on the Members page the night before the first trading day of each month.

iQUANT portfolios: "Traditional" has fixed allocations for bonds and stocks, while "Dynamic," including all ETF portfolios, targets a specific standard deviation regardless of stock-bond allocation.

Portfolio Returns and Optimizer Codes

Access optimizer reports by copying codes from the table below and pasting them into the Portfolio Optimizer tool's "Code" box. For current portfolio selections, use these codes in the Portfolio Allocation Tool (Members page).

Time periods greater than 1 year are annualized. Returns as of 8/31/2024.* Table is sortable by clicking the column header.

iQUANT Portfolio Code YTD 1 Month 3 Month 12 Month 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Frequency Prior Code
iQ Dynamic Aggressive 7Et2b3 8.77 1.23 6.25 15.57 7.28 16.07 15.78 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Dynamic Conservative 1FiCF0 7.62 0.95 4.15 7.57 1.93 7.73 8.52 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Dynamic International JF7MlF 9.27 1.06 4.17 18.74 5.60 13.90 9.76 Monthly
iQ Dynamic Moderate Gp7NKZ 13.26 0.55 6.90 16.71 8.75 14.88 14.87 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Dynamic Moderately Aggressive I1mabq 12.95 1.04 8.92 17.66 8.69 16.25 17.06 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Dynamic Moderately Conservative 1qxXMG 8.02 1.04 4.12 10.27 3.42 9.70 10.56 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ ETF Aggressive Portfolio CLXwc2 11.79 1.32 2.13 13.05 11.47 21.00 16.27 Monthly dzKbhb
iQ ETF Conservative Portfolio rln6lE 3.99 0.65 2.99 7.46 1.08 7.51 9.38 Monthly AfAjKx
iQ ETF Moderate Portfolio lJTRX9 8.13 0.47 1.87 12.54 10.15 18.38 15.73 Monthly aogrDr
iQ ETF Moderately Aggressive Portfolio L0SFLI 10.23 0.94 2.08 12.93 10.44 19.38 15.81 Monthly IBSRu0
iQ ETF Moderately Conservative Portfolio gumFB5 6.18 0.46 1.87 10.67 7.86 15.23 13.97 Monthly qfrWFD
iQ Simple Portfolio PwvPFY 17.15 2.09 7.55 16.99 8.12 15.75 13.82 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Simple Portfolio (no inverse) gxlcRx 17.09 2.01 7.64 21.55 9.05 16.22 13.84 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Aggressive 6iSBLW 6.89 0.47 4.22 17.30 5.66 14.44 14.54 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Conservative UvYKD7 8.65 1.66 4.73 11.67 2.22 6.43 6.85 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Low Trading Moderate Ktl8na 7.66 1.63 6.09 15.29 3.12 10.34 10.60 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Moderate cbOUus 8.97 -0.27 3.89 17.87 5.62 10.36 11.07 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Moderately Aggressive Y9BBYH 10.47 -0.63 4.37 20.10 7.51 12.16 12.87 Feb, May, Aug, Nov
iQ Traditional Moderately Conservative FcxCjK 8.23 1.91 6.21 12.35 1.39 7.63 9.22 Feb, May, Aug, Nov

Hypothetical returns are for illustrative purposes only, not indicative of actual performance. They are based on simulated models, not real investment decisions. Actual outcomes may vary due to market fluctuations, economic conditions, fees, and investor behavior. Hypothetical returns do not guarantee future performance. Carefully consider financial objectives, risk tolerance, and consult a qualified financial professional before investing. Past performance is not predictive. Investments carry inherent risks. Conduct thorough research and due diligence. Seek guidance from your Compliance team or regulatory authorities for any questions or concerns.

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