iQUANT provides cutting-edge, time-tested investment models designed to save you time and enhance your portfolios. However, the selection and application of these models are entirely your responsibility.
The iQUANT Model Match
Which model should you start with? Try our Find Ur Strategy quiz to find out!
Discover Low-Correlated Options for Portfolio Stability…
Every model, no matter how good, will eventually underperform. That’s where Model Match steps in, helping users locate low-correlated models to hedge this risk. By identifying options that don’t always follow the same path as your primary model, Model Match acts as a built-in safety net—a way to hedge against risks by spreading out potential losses. This approach can help provide stability when things don’t go as planned.
To get started, simply select your main model and set the desired correlation range below, then hit Submit to find your low-correlated complements.
Model | Correlation (Click to sort) |
Tip: Use the iQUANT Portfolio Optimizer Tool to determine what allocation to dedicate to each low correlated model. For assistance, reach out at 916-751-1014 or email
Minimize Risk with Low Correlation
Correlation measures how closely the prices of two assets move together, with a correlation of 1 indicating they move in the same direction and -1 indicating they move in opposite directions. Combining low-correlated assets in a portfolio is important because it helps reduce risk by ensuring that when some assets perform poorly, others may perform well, balancing overall returns.